Palindrome number is a number if you reverse the number you will get the same result, for eg., below are the palindrome numbers:
898, 909, 12321
So, to find if an entered number is a Palindrome, all you have do is reverse the number and check with the original number, if matches, then it is a Palindrome.
And in this post I am writing a PHP program to find whether an entered number is Palindrome or not.
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<html> <head> <title>Find Palindrome number - PHP Programming</title> </head> <body> <h3>PHP Program to find if a number is Palindrome or not! <a href=""></a></h3> Enter a Number <br /> <br /> <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="number"/> <button type="submit">Check</button> </form> </body> </html> <?php if($_POST) { //get the post value from form $number = $_POST['number']; //reverse the number $reverse = strrev($number); //check if the number and reverse is equal if($number == $reverse){ echo "<span style='color:green'>Hoorah! the number is Palindrome!!</span>"; }else{ echo "<span style='color:red'>Sorry! the number is not a Palindrome!!</span>"; } } ?> |
It’s a very simple program, just read the comments in the above source code to understand each steps.
And here is the live demo,
Enjoy Programming!