In this example you are going to learn how effectively you can able to write a C program to count the vowels in a String. This program
This example shows you how to find the entered number is Armstrong number or not in C. Very useful program for job seekers and school
In this example you are going to learn how to count the number of vowels in a string in PHP. I’m going to show you two methods of
This post is about writing a C# program to find Armstrong Number. This program may help you to clear your Interview if you are a
In this Python example you are going to learn how to find a number is an Armstrong number or not. An “Armstrong number” is a number that
This python example script will help you to find out the entered string is a palindrome or not. The logic is reversing the original
In this Java Program we are going to see whether the entered string is a Palindrome or not. Basic idea of finding a Palindrome is very simple,
This program is very useful for Fresher Java Programmer who is searching for a Job in Software Industry. Also, teachers can use this for school
In this tutorial you are going to learn how to make your own Live content preview application with the help of jQuery. This script I
Today you are going to learn how to reverse a string in JavaScript using reverse() function with an example script. reverse() is a JavaScript