Learn to Import and Export FTP details in Filezilla

This tutorial focusing in exporting FTP detail from One Filezilla Client to another Filezilla Client. This helps to easily Save the FTP details from one client to another without the need of typing it manually and helps to keep the settings as setup in the previous Filezilla client.

Here are the steps to export the Existing FTP details from Filezilla:

1. Go to File -> Site Manger
2. Then Select the site that you want to Export the FTP details. (In this example I’m selecting ‘tutorialsmade’)
3. Then Right Click on the site. You will see an option called ‘Export’. (see the screen shot):




Give a name and press save button to save this XML to a location that you can find it easily:



That’s it. You have taken the Backup of FTP details of a particular site from the client, Save this XML file in a pen drive or a disk for the future use. Lets take an example ‘how you can use this XML in a different machine’.

Steps to import this XML in a different Machine:
1. Open the Filezilla client then go to File -> Import



2. Select the XML file that you have copied in a different machine.




3. Press ‘OK’ to continue:



4. Then you will get a ‘Success’ message if the XML file is good:




5. To access the site that you have just imported. Go to File -> Site Manger. You will see the site that you have imported. select the site and press ‘Connect’ to access the Server:




I hope you have learned how to import and export ftp details from filezilla from this post. Thanks for coming. See you soon!

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