Meaning of 'Ginger' in telugu is 'Allam'
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Learn the below 150+ Telugu Words through English from this website. Here is the list of Telugu words with audio pronunciation to learn the language fluently by yourself.
# | English Word | Telugu Word | Play Audio |
161 | Sugar beet | Cilagada dumpa |
162 | Tomato | Tamaata |
163 | Tamarind | Chinta pandu |
164 | Chilly | Mirapa |
165 | Garlic | Velluli |
166 | Green chilly | Pachi mirchi |
167 | Mushroom | Kukka godugu |
168 | Ginger | Allam |
169 | Black pepper | Miriyaalu |
170 | Cardamom | Elakulu |