Meaning of 'Cucumber' in telugu is 'Keera dhosakaaya'
Click the below play button to learn "How to pronounce Keera dhosakaaya" in Telugu
Learn the below 150+ Telugu Words through English from this website. Here is the list of Telugu words with audio pronunciation to learn the language fluently by yourself.
# | English Word | Telugu Word | Play Audio |
141 | Bitter gourd | Kakarakaaya |
142 | Gourd | Sorakaaya |
143 | Cabbage | Cabbage |
144 | Carrot | Carrot |
145 | Cauliflower | Gobi puvvu |
146 | Corn Grain | Mokkajonna |
147 | Corn | Mokkabutta |
148 | Flat bean | Bobbarlu |
149 | Cucumber | Keera dhosakaaya |
150 | Dill | Menthi koora |