Meaning of 'Hour / Bell' in Kannada is 'Ghante'
Click the below play button to learn "How to pronounce Ghante" in Kannada
Learn the below 300+ Kannada Words through English from this website. Here is the list of Kannada words with audio pronunciation to learn the language fluently by yourself.
# | English Word | Kannada Word | Play Audio |
441 | Window | Kitaki |
442 | Ear | Kivi |
443 | Mud | Kesaru |
444 | Cream | Kene |
445 | Hut | Gudilu |
446 | Hour / Bell | Ghante |
447 | Cave | Guhe |
448 | Wheel | Chakra |
449 | Footwear | Chappali |
450 | Butterfly | Chitte |