Meaning of 'Birth' in Kannada is 'Janma'
Click the below play button to learn "How to pronounce Janma" in Kannada
Learn the below 300+ Kannada Words through English from this website. Here is the list of Kannada words with audio pronunciation to learn the language fluently by yourself.
# | English Word | Kannada Word | Play Audio |
271 | Truth | Satya |
272 | Sea | Samudra |
273 | Government | Sarkaara |
274 | Waiting | Kaayuttide |
275 | That's why | Adakkagiye |
276 | Try | Prayatnisi |
277 | Wild | Kaadu |
278 | Birth | Janma |
279 | Animal | Praani |
280 | Life | Jeevana |