Meaning of 'I drank' in Kannada is 'Naanu kudidenu'
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Learn the below 150+ Kannada Sentences through English from this website. Here is the list of Kannada Sentences with audio pronunciation to learn the language fluently by yourself.
# | English Sentence | Kannada Sentence | Play Audio |
171 | Read the book | Pustakavannu odu (informal) |
172 | What is your age? | Nimma vayasu eshtu? |
173 | Don't listen to him (Don't listen to his words) | Avana maatu kelabeda (informal) |
174 | I wrote | Naanu baredenu |
175 | I drank | Naanu kudidenu |
176 | You said | Neenu helide (informal) |
177 | You asked | Neenu kelide (informal) |
178 | Do this slowly | Idannu nidhanavaagi maadu (informal) |
179 | We must always tell the truth | Naavu yaavaglu sathyavannu helabekku |
180 | I am a boy | Naanu huduga |