Hi People, In this post we are going to write a simple jQuery script to shake effect (animate) your input box. To animate we need
Category: jQuery

In this post I am writing a simple jQuery script to validate password and confirm password which usually requires in a registration page. So what

Here is another simple jQuery snippet which tells which key is pressed. It’s so simple to find out which key is pressed using jQuery event.

Already I have written a PHP script for the same functionality. Here is the link: PHP Script to find age from Date of Birth (DOB)

Hello friends, In this tutorial you are going to see how to write a jQuery script which should display the no. of characters entered in

In this tutorial you are going to see, how to parse JSON data that is coming from a PHP file in jQuery. If you already

This is an another interesting topic for the school and college students, In this post you are going to learn how to write a jQuery

This post shows you how to restrict typing special characters in a text box using jQuery and regular expression. This script not only restricts typing

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to make your own Live content preview application with the help of jQuery. This script I